Electric or manual toothbrush

Electric or manual toothbrush

Old-fashioned manual toothbrush or modern electric? Which is better? The truth is that it is not essential. Most toothbrush will keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy if you know how to use them.

The best brush is the one that you effectively use twice a day and thoroughly clean all tooth surfaces and the tongue.

As long as you clean your teeth regularly with proper technique of brushing, you can use a manual or electric toothbrush. Brushing itself is what will keep your oral health. Here are some pros and cons that you should consider when choosing a manual or electric toothbrush.

No matter what type you choose - manual or electric - the best brush is the one that you effectively use twice a day and thoroughly clean all tooth surfaces and the tongue. Search for a soft brush and do not forget to change it (the head of electrical) about every three months.